Rifle Reviews - Popular Hunting Rifles Used for Deer Management & Stalking in the UK

woodland stalker range day

Best Rifles for Deer Hunting - Read on for top rifle reviews and trials of some of the most well known and popular hunting rifles used in the UK for Deer Stalking & Management. 

For many deer hunters, choice of rifle is very personal. Some hunters will be content with an old and trusted, classic hunting rifle that has been handed down from father to son, others will want the very best and latest in rifle technology and design.

Whichever camp you fall into, deciding which hunting rifle to go for is an important decision. This is because unlike with shotgun certificates (SGC), in the UK, the number of rifles a firearm certificate holder can possess, is carefully legislated and specified on each individual Firearms Certificate (FAC).   

sako85250Whilst possessing a shotgun certificate allows the holder to own a number of shotguns, having permission to acquire say a .308 calibre hunting rifle, does not allow the holder of the certificate to acquire several rifles in said calibre.

Typically, the holder of the FAC will instead be permitted to acquire just only one rifle in each calibre. This often results in the decision being made by firearm holder, being more considered. 

Left: A Sako 85 in .308 Calibre -You should consider your make and model of hunting rifle carefully, as you will likley be allowed only one rifle in each calibre

Whatever your choice, the following rifle reviews, are designed to give you an overview of some of the top most popular hunting rifles used in the UK today for Deer Management & Stalking.

Top Deer Hunting Rifles

The following list of 'Rifle Reviews' will be extended and added to every time we here at 'County Deer Stalking' get lucky enough to try out a new offering!  

Rifle Reviews

Click on the link at the end of each summary to read more about each Rifle: 

Benelli Lupo. "Benelli's first attempt at a bolt action rifle is of a modular chasis-based design".To read more follow this link: benelli-lupo-review

Beretta BRX1."Beretta's first hunting rifle, a straight-pull rifle, priced very competitively".To read more, follow this link: beretta-brx1-rifle-review

Blaser K95."James Cartwright explains why, when hunting deer with his single shot Blaser K95 Stutzen rifle, one shot is enough".To read more follow this link: blaser-k95-single-shot-rifle-review

Blaser R8 ."So the action feels modern but is it any good? Well I have to say 'yes' it is, it's very, very good. I like it very, very much. Not only is it fast but it feels slick".To read more Click on the Following link: blaser-r8-rifle-review

Blaser R8 Ultimate."It is the feel that has evolved and in early 2019 it evolved still further into the Blaser R8 Ultimate".To read more about the Blaser R8 Ultimate Click on the following linkblaser-r8-ultimate

Browning A-Bolt Mk III. Toby Worthington Reviews the super affordable Browning AB3 rifle. To read more follow this linkbrowning-a-bolt-iii-review

Browning Maral."Could this be the fastest bolt action on the market?". To read more Click on the following link: browning-maral-rifle-review

Heym Heym SR21."The SR21 Classic is a beautifully made rifle that’s well suited to the UK stalker who’s happy to accept that a wood and blue gun is going to require that little extra TLC". To read more Click on the following linkheym-sr21-rifle-review

Howa 1500 ."A couple of years ago after some deliberation I decided to purchase a Howa 1500 Lightning in .243 win".  To read more Click on the following link: howa-1500-rifle-review

Merkel Helix Speedster "Is this the fastest gun in the west? Well at any rate the fastest bolt action on the market". To read more click here: merkel-helix-speedster

Mauser M03 Exreme."When Mauser launched the M03, a modern classic was born". To read more Click on the following link: mauser-m03-extreme-rifle-review

Rangemaster Precision Arms 'RPA' - Woodland Stalker."At just 36" (910mm) the Woodland stalker is a highly accurate and compact rifle". To read more click on the following link: woodland-stalker

Remington 700 ."What can I possibly say about the Remington 700 that has not already been said?".To read more click on the following linkremington-700-rifle-review

Ruger Scout ."Since its introduction, the Ruger Scout has received much attention and caused somewhat of a stir".To read more click on the following link: review-of-the-ruger-scout-rifle

Sako 85 ."Having initially been a fan of the Sako 75 it is perhaps not surprising that I like the Sako 85 so much".To read more click on the following link: sako-85-synthetic-stainless-rifle-review

Sauer 100 Classic XT. "Coming from the Blaser family, the Sauer 100 boasts a formidable heritage". To read more click on the following link: sauer-100-classic-xt-review 

Sauer 100 Pantera. "It is with great relief that Sauer have introduced a little ‘pizzazz’ to the design of the Sauer 100 Pantera". To read more click on the following link: sauer-100-pantera-rifle-review

Sako S20. "Overall, this is to my reckoning, one of the most interesting rifles to have arrived on the hunting scene in some time". To read more about the S20 follow this linksako-s20-rifle-review

Sako 90.  You see, what Sako have done with the 90, is effectively take a good rifle and made it even better, and that is no small feat”. To read more click on the following link: sako-90

Sako 100. "What do we really think of Sako's new flagship rifle?" To read more click on the following link: Sako 100 Review 

Sauer 202 "The Sauer S 202 is a pretty, pretty rifle. There's no getting away from it". To read more click on the following link: sauer-202-rifle-review

Sauer 202 Outback ."Another huge advantage of the outback over other Sauer rifles and indeed many other rifles in general is that it is very light weight". To read more click on the following link:sauer-outback-rifle-review

Sauer 404. "Proclaimed by Sauer as the best Sauer Rifle of all time, does it live up to the hype?". To read more follow this link: sauer-404-review

Sauer 505. "Peter Jones compares the Sauer 505 to Rachel Riley". To read more, follow this link: sauer-505

Savage Axis. "Savage arms have introduced a range of economy rifles. Via Edgar Brothers we are now offered a UK themed package deal". To read more click on the following link: savage-axis-rifle-review

Sig Sauer Cross. British Army Officer Ollie Ward reviews this unconventional hunting rifle. To read more click on the following link: sig-sauer-cross

Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter . "Set right in the heart of Austria is the city of Steyr". To read more click on the following link: steyr-mannlicher-pro-hunter-rifle-review

Tikka T3. "I have just taken delivery of a new Tikka T3 Lite synthetic. My prime objectives when purchasing a new rifle were reliability, accuracy and great value". To read more click on the following link: tikka-t3-lite-review

Tikka T3x. "Peter Jones reviews the Tikka T3x rifle, a stalwart of UK and European hunting and the latest in a series of rifles made by Tikka". To read more click on the following link: tikka-t3x-review

Weatherby Vanguard Mk II . "For many Weatherby is associated with some serious hunting cartridges and for their original well known and impressive Mk V rifles". To read more Click on the following Link:  weatherby-vanguard-mk-2-rifle-review


To read more about how to select the right hunting rifle for you, simply follow this link: best-rifle-for-deer-stalking-management

Alternatively, if you are also trying to decide on the best calibre to go with your rifle of choice, then take a look at our 'Rifle Calibres' page for more information about deer legal calibres, and an overview of the most popular Calibres used by UK Deer Stalkers & Managers in the UK.

Click on this link:rifle-calibres

If you are interested in starting deer stalking and applying for a Firearms Licence, a great first step is to take the Proficient Deer Stalking certificate Level 1 (PDS1). This deer management qualification provides the foundation skills and knowldge needed to hunt in the UK. To find out more about the PDS1 course follow this link: Proficient Deer Stalking Course - PDS1






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