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The Capreolus Club takes a flight from Farnborough to the Orkneys in search of winged game.
James Schneider swaps his rifle for a shotgun and makes the most of the Capreolus Club Driven Bird Day by preparing a Canard à l'Orange. Here’s how he did it.
Toby Worthington visits the Holland & Holland shooting grounds with the Capreolus Club to try out the very latest in Schiesskino' Cinematographic technology at the H&H indoor range.
Mark Boulton of ‘Scrofa-Hunting’ looks at some of the symptoms of Boar fever!
Toby Worthington enjoys a Brandy and a Cigar with members of the Capreolus Club at Dunhill’s flagship store in St James’s Street.
In the first in a series of articles about Boar hunting, Mark Boulton offers some great tips for those new to Driven Boar.
At County Deer Stalking we are firm believers in the value of introducing young people to hunting.
It’s not all deer, deer, deer at ‘County Deer Stalking!’ Occasionally we like to turn our hand to other field sports, and what can be more seasonal in the lead up to Christmas than a Pheasant shoot?
We accept that for some who are after the ultimate in out of this world thrills Deer Stalking, whilst exciting may not quite match up to what may be on offer in the non too distant future. Courtesy of QP Magazine:
Professional stalker Peter Jones takes a day off Deer Stalking and and tries something a little bit different.