Roe Rut Licensed 1Roe Rut

With what would typically be the start of the roe rut, now only a matter of a couple of weeks away, many of us will soon discover the reaction that our Roe will have had to what has been one of the wettest springs on record.

I usually advice clients who are interested in booking during the Roe Rut to try and get a date in the diary for dates in between about the 25th July and 10th August. Though this I add, is very weather dependant!

Hot stormy weather is about the best kind of weather to get these animals into the mood and we have seen precious little of the hot kind of weather this summer. My guess is that unless the weather pretty shortly takes a rapid turn for the better then the Rut will end up being much later than normally anticipated. If the weather doesn't turn then we may find that for 2012 the rut will be more or less a 'wash out'.

The Roe Rut for many is the pinnacle of excitement for Roebuck stalking when Bucks throw caution to the wind in pursuit of the Does that are in heat. Given good conditions the bucks will chase the does in circles and figures of eight until such time as the doe allows an accompanying buck to cover her. We also see bucks and does answering to a few 'pheeps' on our chosen call or find that they answer to a well timed bark and come charging in to investigate and challenge the uninvited intruder.

Either way it is a great time to be out in the woods and when timed right can be one of the countryside's finest spectacles, so here's hoping! At any rate if I get confirmation of any activity I'll be happy to share and will myself no doubt be contacting other deer stalkers to discover if they have seen any indications.

At any rate best of luck!  

If you'd like to get in on the action this summer call: 0203 981 0159 or email to book an outings deer stalking.  




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