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Hearalded as one of the all time great calibres, we take a closer look at the 7mm Remington Magnum.
Chris Parkin has a go at re barrelling - 'The Hard Way'
Chris Parkin considers the benefits of the Savage Axis Rifle and Kaspa Scope package offered by Edgar Brothers.
A review of the Mauser M03 Extreme Rifle. Chris Parkin falls for a modern classic, The Mauser M03 Extreme sporting rifle in .308 Winchester
We welcome Shooting journalist Chris Parkin to 'County Deer Stalking', Chris kicks us off with an exciting article about his recent, highly memorable trip to Denmark with Zeiss, Sauer and RWS, (Ulfborg 2013)
A Review of the RPA 'Rangemaster Precision Arms' Woodland Stalker Rifle.
The best calibre for UK deer stalking & Management? This is the 'biggy', ‘the grail’ the number one question that obsesses deer managers and those new to deer stalking more than any other, and the question I am asked by far and away the most frequently.
Stuart Morrison explains why he considers the .270 Winchester to be the best calibre for deer management in the UK.
Best Hunting Rifles for Deer - For those just getting started in deer stalking, professional UK Deer Stalker and big game hunter Peter Jones considers how to choose the best hunting rifle.