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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
With various storms battering much of Northern England and Scotland, James Schneider investigates two calibres that may deliver a solution to stalking in high winds.
In a follow up to his recent article 'A Blast from the Past' Guy Hunter takes a more detailed look at the .303 and considers its use in deer management.
At the start of January 2015 the Law Commission released a document stating that the UK’s current Firearms legislation was “deeply problematic and in need of reform”. (Consultation Paper Number 224)
Shooting is an activity that often occurs on land where the public have right of access. James Mott looks at the current legislation specific to shooting near or over public rights of way.
Peter Jones considers what to expect from Deer Stalking during the month of October.
The best calibre for UK deer stalking & Management? This is the 'biggy', ‘the grail’ the number one question that obsesses deer managers and those new to deer stalking more than any other, and the question I am asked by far and away the most frequently.
Best Hunting Rifles for Deer - For those just getting started in deer stalking, professional UK Deer Stalker and big game hunter Peter Jones considers how to choose the best hunting rifle.
Peter Jones discusses the use of expanding ammunition in deer management.
With the announcement of the soon to arrive 17 Winchester Super Magnum Rimfire Peter Jones reflects on the current 17 HMR.