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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
Professional Deer Stalker Peter Jones reviews the Sauer 202 Rifle.
A look at what is happening at County Deer Stalking through the month of October.
A review of the 'Butt Out' used for gralloching deer.
A review of the deer stalking quad sticks from Southwick shooting supplies.
We look at some of the phrases and terms used to describe fallow buck.
A look at what to expect from stalking with County Deer during the month of September
A look at the second hand value and quality of Schmidt and Bender Rifle Scopes.
So you have shot yourself a male deer and you now want to retain the antlers as a momento. The following article describes how to cut and prepare the head as a trophy and will broadly apply to all sepcies of deer.