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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
Wine expert Peter Lunzer offers some advice on pairing wine with Venison.
James Schneider sets about trying to break the spell of winter gloom and a run of bad luck.
We welcome Shooting journalist Chris Parkin to 'County Deer Stalking', Chris kicks us off with an exciting article about his recent, highly memorable trip to Denmark with Zeiss, Sauer and RWS, (Ulfborg 2013)
Andy Hurrell reminisces about his days working the ponies as a Stalking Ghillie in the Scottish Highlands and compares them to a more recent contract in Sutherland.
Tired of deer always scenting you? Peter Jones reviews the Primos Wind Checker.
Ewan Dryburgh gives his opinion on some of the challenges and requirements of becoming a wildlife photographer.
Dogs for Deer Stalking can sometimes be a mixed blessing, Chris Dalton recounts one such incident whilst stalking Red Stags with his Bavarian Mountain Hound 'Burt'
We take a look at what you can expect from your deer stalking through the month of February.
A Review of the RPA 'Rangemaster Precision Arms' Woodland Stalker Rifle.
So God forbid, the worst happens? You are in the middle of nowhere and you seriously cut yourself, shoot yourself, or even worse shoot someone else!