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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
Dr Simon Lee offers some guidance on improving your shooting, taking us from bang to buck.
On Saturday 10th June ‘County Deer Stalking’ in association with the ‘Capreolus Club’ is delighted to extend a warm invitation to all of its readers, clients and their families to attend our first annual Clay shoot and BBQ.
We look ahead to what is in store for the month of May.
Peter Jones takes a break from the office and heads out in search of early season Roebuck in Hampshire.
Are you struggling to lift your shot deer? James Schneider reviews the Apex Auto Lift by Napier.
The 1st April represents a fundamental shift in the UK, with the females of five of the UK’s six species of deer now protected for seven months until the 1st November, thereby affording them time to raise their young.
Swarovski dS Scope review - New for 2017 Swarovski Optik introduce the revolutionary new dS 5-25x52 P rifle scope with built in rangefinder and automatic aiming point.
My tip for the coming month is to change your routine and schedule your stalking for alternative times of the day.
With the UK’s Roebuck now in velvet Toby Worthington looks more closely at this stage of antler growth and the development of the ‘Perruque’ and ‘Mossed head’.