A new Scotland Module has been added to the PDS1 Deer Management Qualification, that makes the Proficient Deer Stalking Certificate Level 1 even more relevant to those that hunt and stalk deer in Scotland. 


Last year ‘Deer Stalking Qualifications’ took a substantial step forward by making available a Large Game Meat Hygiene Course to candidates that had completed the PDS1, and there is no doubt that this additional training has proven to be a huge draw.

This year Deer Stalking Qualifications has taken another significant step forward, with the addition of a fabulous new ‘Scotland Module’ to the Proficient Deer Stalker Level 1 (PDS1) course, that makes the PDS1 even more relevant to those who wish to get into deer stalking in Scotland.  

We recognise the costs and inconvenience that many candidates who live in remote areas face, when trying to access traditional classroom-based training, and perhaps more than anywhere else in the UK, the benefit of e-learning, over antiquated classroom-based training, can be realised in remote areas of Scotland.

The solution and future of deer stalker training is e-learning, which allows candidates to access quality training without the need for the cost and inconvenience of travel and a stay away from home.

Deer Stalking Course Scotland

We also recognise that historically, the PDS1 has been assumed by deer stalkers to be a mainly England based Deer stalking course. Deer Stalking Qualifications is now set to challenge this perception, with the addition of a fabulous new ‘Scotland Module’ that consists of six individual classes, that provide detailed information on crucial subjects that relate specifically to deer stalking in Scotland. 

PDS1 Module 10 'Deer Stalking in Scotland' consists of six individual classes and a multiple choice exam.  

  1. Understanding the unique nature of deer stalking in Scotland
  2. Safety
  3. Deer Species in Scotland
  4. Taking the Shot & how to take shots at extended ranges and in high winds.
  5. Scottish Deer Stalking Legislation
  6. Carcass extraction

As with other modules in the PDS1 syllabus, upon completion of the Scotland Module, candidates are required to pass an additional multiple-choice exam, with additional Scotland based questions, also being added to the final exam at the end of the course.  

‘Deer Stalking Qualifications’ rightfully recognise the unique challenges of stalking deer in Scotland and with the fabulous addition of a ‘Scotland Module’ to the Proficient Deer Stalker Certificate Level 1, have ensured that the PDS1 course is even more relevant and accessible to those who wish to pursue a deer stalking qualification in Scotland.

What’s more, those candidates who have already completed the PDS1, will be contacted and offered this course completely free as part of their ongoing training, thereby providing substantial added value to the course.

This is one of the great benefits of taking the PDS1. Due to the versatility of e-learning, candidates that have signed up to the course, are provided with ongoing and up-to-date training, that reflects changes and advancements in deer stalking. Just one of a growing list of reasons to take the PDS1.

To find out more about the PDS1 and to Enrol follow this link: deer-stalking-course

To watch a Youtube Trailer introducing the new Module follow this link: youtube

To learn more about 'Deer Stalking Qualifications' follow this link: deer-stalking-qualifications




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