The Proficient Deer Stalking Certificate (PDS1 & PDS2) is a nationally available deer management qualification that is recognised by both the Forestry Commission, Forestry England and NatureScot as providing a suitable level of deer management training for those who wish to shoot deer.

Deer Stalking CertificateIn England, the PDS1 & PDS2 is also suitable for those who wish to apply to Forestry England for a Deer Control Licence (DCL).

In Scotland the PDS1 & PDS2 is suitable for those who wish to apply to NatureScot for recognition as ‘Fit and Competent’.

Delivered by the ‘Shooting & Hunting Academy’ a UK Registered Learning Provider and LANTRA & UKRS Training provider, the PDS1 & 2 theory elements are taught and assessed online via the academy, allowing candidates to complete the theory element of the course at a time and place that suits them.

The practical elements of the course are then assessed in the field by a PDS 'Approved Verifier’ (AV) at a location local to the candidate. 

For both recreational deer stalkers and for those wishing to pursue a career in deer management, the PDS1 & 2 is the UK’s most popular deer management course and is also recognised as a significant first step in demonstrating competence to police firearms licensing departments, involved in the issuing of a firearm certificates, or variations to existing certificates to shoot deer. 

For more information about the PDS1 & PDS2 and other certificated wildlife management and shooting courses visit: Proficient Deer Stalking Course - PDS1

Call: 0203 981 0159 or email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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