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This Month’s Articles & Reviews
With the UK’s Roebuck now in velvet Toby Worthington looks more closely at this stage of antler growth and the development of the ‘Perruque’ and ‘Mossed head’.
This time last year I was expressing some concern about how the UK’s deer population was fairing amidst a number of storms that had ravaged much of the UK and in particular Scotland.
To quote the terribly un-pc verse of a song from the chaps at Monty Python: “I like Chinese, I like Chinese, they only come up to your knees”, indeed it is true, as is the later verse: “I like Chinese, their food is guaranteed to please” which it does.
James Schneider recalls an exhilarating stalk for a huge Red stag in the historic county of Ayrshire in south-west Scotland.
November this year is looking as though it may be somewhat of an anomaly. Firstly because of the unseasonably mild start to the autumn and secondly because of a ‘super moon’, no I correct myself, an ‘extra-super moon’ no less.