What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
The month of August can be divided into two chapters, so what is going on?
There can no longer be any doubt that the 2014 Roe Rut is now underway.
With current hot weather and with more humid conditions to come next week, can the 2014 Roe Rut be far away?
Can you buy success? Andrew Venables considers the importance of time spent practicing and the value of equipment.
Chris Dalton recalls some frustratingly unpredictable stalks and is reminded that there are no hard and fast rules when deer stalking.
We predict the start of the 2014 Roe Rut and look closer at what to expect during the month of July.
So when will the 2014 Roe Rut Kick off? Peter Jones offers a teaser.
James Mott highlights the importance of checking your equipment and making yourself familiar with borrowed kit before setting out stalking.
John Barton sets out in search of Roe Buck in the New Forest and also stumbles across the consequences of a Deer Vehicle Collision.
Perhaps of all the months in the deer stalkers calendar, June might be said to be the least eventful. The only deer in season across the UK are Roe Buck and Muntjac and to be frank, June is not the ideal month to stalk either.