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What to expect from your Deer Stalking month by month. Enter your email address below to receive the Almanac:
We look at some great news for UK deer stalking qualifications and how our deer are behaving during one of the UK’s busiest months for Roebuck.
The 1st April marks a major shift in the open seasons, we explain what is happening and the reason behind the legislation.
There are two reasons why I am excited this month. The first is quite simply that with March comes Spring. The second is down to the increasing success of the Proficient Deer Stalking Certificate (PDS1) and a new recommendation process that will reward readers and ensure even more people get involved with our beloved field sport.
From February there is just a short time left to harvest the UK's largest species of deer.
Christmas is our opportunity as deer stalkers, to be loud and proud about what it is that we do.
We look at the change in statutory 'open season', and at how deer behave during the month of November.
Peter S Jones explains how he feels about the upcoming autumn hunting season.
Each month we provide you with a useful guide to what is going on in the world of deer stalking.
Now ladies and gents, the moment that we have all been waiting for….the Roe rut!
June is all about still hunting for Roebuck, Professional deer stalker Peter Jones explains why.